Insurance & Pre-Purchase Specialists - Power & Sail
Valuation Survey
One important and often difficult aspect of dealing with pleasurecraft from the prospective of buyers, sellers, yacht brokers and marine surveyors, is the establishment of a monetary value for a boat. This is based on what a knowing buyer would pay to a knowing seller in a free market. This market is constantly changing due to such things as vessel availability, market stability, and economic conditions.
This survey may be required for estate settlement, financing/re-financing, donations, or legal purposes. The comprehensiveness of the survey varies depending on the wishes of the client and can be as basic as a general visual inspection with short written report to as detailed as a pre-purchase survey inspection and report.
Our years of experience in the marketplace, combined with our use of specialized surveyor’s web sites and publications, help assure an accurate appraisal of the vessel’s value.